Writing Prompt #17

My finger itches. Yes, I can be a real whiner, but I have a reason.

I’ve spent this week mostly sleeping and eating, which has admittedly been very nice. Unfortunately, typing is exhausting right now so I won’t be joining in on this writing prompt, but it’s a fun one!

Name of the game: Spelling Bee

The Rules: Write down the list of words at the top of your page (notebook, laptop, typewriter–whatever you prefer). You have ten minutes–set a timer–to write whatever comes to mind, using all the words in the list, in whatever order you like, crossing them off as you go. But they ALL have to be in there. Minor alterations are okay, like jump to jumped, but stay reasonable. Are you ready? Go!

The List:

Delicate, Dog, Give, Sailor, Franchise

If you enjoyed this writing prompt and feel like sharing what you wrote, post it in the comments! I love seeing what people come up with.

Have fun!

Don’t be stupid (like me)

When they tell you not to stick your finger into spinny metal blades, they REALLY mean it.

Yup. I’m speaking from very recent experience.

You know those stick blenders/stab mixers/hand-held blender things? It’s almost ironic that I don’t know what it’s properly called. Perhaps I should just go with piranhas…

Anyway, I really wanted guacamole, but the avocados really did not want to mush. Hence why I, the genius that I am, decided to blend them up and then stick my finger in the blades to unstick them whilst my other finger was over the button.

All things considered, I got off very lightly with some deep cuts. Plus, I got to experience the operating room whilst awake, because we all agreed that general anesthesia would be overkill for one little pointer finger.

And yes, I did try to watch, but their hands were always in the way… Instead, I had a nice chat with one of the assistants about what Star Wars film is the best (Rogue One).

To summarize, it was an exciting experience that would have been nicer with less waiting and less pain.

So don’t be stupid like me guys–keep your fingers away from… Piranhas or anything else sharp and spinning. Because, if nothing else, you won’t be able to write properly for a while and that sucks.

Writing Prompt #16

For today’s writing prompt, I tried using a sentence generator. Whilst more open-ended than my usual prompts, it seemed to be sufficiently story-prompting. At least, it seemed better than the automatic sentence the generator starts with: “If the bunny rabbit and the tooth fairy had babies, would they take your teeth and leave chocolate for you?” Sorry–what? I have so many questions…

Name of the game: Fire Starter.

The rules: Write the supplied sentence/sentence fragment at the top of your page, (computer, notebook, etc. Whatever you prefer) set a timer for 10 minutes and start writing whatever you think would follow that first sentence.

Today’s sentence fragment:

She was too short to see over the fence…

If you feel like it, post what you’ve written in the comments! I always love reading it.

Happy writing!

Am I a Writer?

Am I a Writer? - What is a 'real' writer and why you're allowed to call yourself one. https://sonorahillsauthor.com/

What is a writer? When can you call yourself one? And how do you get the world to?

We live in a world of titles, where the difference of a few words can offend or flatter–fire you or get you a job–make enemies or friends. Finding out who you are is a big part of accepting yourself, and telling others where your strengths lie or what your job is. But often, there’s a line between professional and unprofessional. If you took a summer course in first aid, you cannot call yourself a trauma surgeon–it wouldn’t make sense. But turn to creativity titles like youtuber or photographer, and the lines are very blurred. In many cases, I don’t think they even exist.

I call myself a writer. An author, even. Am I being presumptuous? Do I really “understand” what I’m talking about? Why am I not a bestseller? If I’m a writer, shouldn’t I at least learn how to write regularly scheduled blog posts?

Well… let’s discuss. What does it really mean to be a writer? Continue reading