Year in Review: Admire my infographics

Every year, sites like Spotify collate a whole years worth of content into a few minutes of numbers. This year, my partner used my Spotify more than I did, resulting in all the stats coming from songs I have never heard. Oops?

I’ve always enjoyed looking backwards at the end of the year, and to make up for the lost Spotify stats and to have some fun, I thought I’d give you all an insight into what I was up to during 2020. Is this just an excuse to make some infographics? Yes.

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Why do I study biology instead of a writing degree?

Yup. This post is a day late. I’ve yet to purchase either time turner or Tardis, so such is my life.

Speaking of my life, what am I doing with it? I love stories above all else. I love to read and analyse and find patterns in plots and letters. People complain when we watch films together “Sonora, stop meta-watching”. So why am I not doing a literature degree? Or a creative writing degree? Or something “artsy”?

Well, here’s my rambling answer to that. If you’re currently trying to decide what to do with your life (i.e. what university degree to choose, or university versus all the million other things out there), then maybe my story will help you think about it. Continue reading

Don’t be stupid (like me)

When they tell you not to stick your finger into spinny metal blades, they REALLY mean it.

Yup. I’m speaking from very recent experience.

You know those stick blenders/stab mixers/hand-held blender things? It’s almost ironic that I don’t know what it’s properly called. Perhaps I should just go with piranhas…

Anyway, I really wanted guacamole, but the avocados really did not want to mush. Hence why I, the genius that I am, decided to blend them up and then stick my finger in the blades to unstick them whilst my other finger was over the button.

All things considered, I got off very lightly with some deep cuts. Plus, I got to experience the operating room whilst awake, because we all agreed that general anesthesia would be overkill for one little pointer finger.

And yes, I did try to watch, but their hands were always in the way… Instead, I had a nice chat with one of the assistants about what Star Wars film is the best (Rogue One).

To summarize, it was an exciting experience that would have been nicer with less waiting and less pain.

So don’t be stupid like me guys–keep your fingers away from… Piranhas or anything else sharp and spinning. Because, if nothing else, you won’t be able to write properly for a while and that sucks.

I’ve been published in a YA anthology!

Published in an anthology! that writing prompt I did back in September which I didn’t share because I was considering submitting it to a contest? Well I did, and now it’s been published!

Short stories from 21 talented writers (including me!) make up the final instalment of an exploratory journey of the seven sins: Pride, Sloth, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, Avarice, and Lust. Meant for a YA audience, Lust has stories involving first love and stolen kisses, but also ones about the lust for power or an addiction.

Here’s the blurb for my lgbtq+ short story:

Fire and Starlight Girl

Sixteen-year-old Cassie has been best friends with Ella forever. On a beach holiday with Ella’s family, the girls plan on exploring, swimming and watching the sunset over the ocean. It’s a perfect summer until Cassie realizes she has feelings for Ella. They’ve always been able to tell each other everything, but is it worth sharing this time if it means she could lose Ella completely?


Never pass up the opportunity to enter a contest or submit to a journal/anthology–the editors/judges may really like what you have to say and your writing could find a home!

Biology Projects – Tales and Tips From a 2nd Year Uni Student

Biology Projects - Tales and Tips from a second year uni student about fish, insects, and writing a good scientific paper thought it would be fun to share some of the science I’ve been doing, especially because it involves words. When people think of biology, they tend to think of the experiments, not the hours spent trying to condense those projects into a legible and concise piece of art.

It may not be literary art, but writing good papers is still an art–you’re still telling a story. For this post, I’m going to attempt to break down a little bit of that story and also to talk about two of the fun behavioural studies I’ve been doing!

WARNING: contains big bugs, pretty graphs, some numbers, and twenty zebrafish. Continue reading

My Current Writing Projects

Update on My Current Writing Projects - Two novels and this blog

Early cover sketches

So it’s October, and I’m still slogging on, trying to keep up work on my writing. I thought I’d give an update on where I am at the moment and where I hope to go. This includes an entirely new novel, B Like You, which up until this spring, I was planning to keep hidden under my bed. But then I read it, and I liked it. I liked it a lot. So I decided to try and make it into something presentable. So here we go, my current projects: Continue reading

5 Things I Do When Attempting to be Productive

5 Things I do When Attempting to be Productive -- productivity tips for your bullet journal https://sonorahillsauthor.comSometimes, I feel like the hardest thing in life is deciding what you want and then working towards those goals. I’ve been told I have good commitment, but when another evening rolls in and all I’ve done is eat and watch YouTube, it sure doesn’t feel like it.

When uni ended for the summer, I had all these great plans regarding my novels and this blog–I was going to work hard on my drafts, start getting friends to give me feedback, start posting weekly again… However, by the end of July, I’d basically done nothing. I then decided I was fed up with half-heartedly chasing my goals and I was ready to make a plan and get out there with that butterfly net.

So far, it’s going well. I know that a one-size motivation-plan doesn’t fit all, but getting me moving sometimes feels like beating a rock with a stick. So I’d like to share with you 5 things I’ve been doing this summer that (as of yet) seem to be working: Continue reading

Hello Writing, My Old Friend

I need to figure out how to prioritize my life.

If you live a well-organized existence and feel as though you’re doing everything you’ve ever wanted to do, I applaud you–please tell me how you do it.

Cat potato

He’s a cat potato.

As for the rest of us, trying to choose between working on the novel that university has pushed under the bed, cleaning under your literal bed, or that tricky bit of revision, ultimately results in deciding just to eat breakfast. This lifestyle is not working for me, so let’s re-evaluate. Continue reading