Writing Prompt #26

I never know what to do for writing prompt intros. Do I talk about the world? About me? About writing? I guess it’s a reminder that the blank page can always be intimidating. If you’re a writer and you’ve never sat in front of blank page feeling your palms get sweaty and you mind go blank, then I refuse to believe you are human. What is your superpower? Please share your secrets.

The blank page problem is one reason why I like writing prompts so much. The prompt and the time limit don’t give me a chance to procrastinate and feel intimidated. You press go on the timer and out comes a beautiful cascade of word vomit. And any words are better than no words, right?

Name of the game: Snap Shot

The rules: Stare at the picture. What does it make you think of? What story is it telling? Okay–thought of something? Good. Now set a timer to 10 minutes and start writing that story. Ready, set, go!

The image:

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay 

Writing Prompt #25

I don’t think I was the only one who got the Christmas tree out on December 1st. This year has been A LOT, so I’ve decided I want to focus on festive writing prompts for December. Regardless of what you like to celebrate, I think we all deserve some happiness this month.

Name of the game: Spelling Bee

The Rules: Write down the list of words at the top of your page (notebook, laptop, typewriter–whatever you prefer). You have ten minutes–set a timer–to write whatever comes to mind, using all the words in the list, in whatever order you like, crossing them off as you go. But they ALL have to be in there. Minor alterations are okay, like jump to jumped, but stay reasonable. Are you ready? Go!

The list:

  1. Snowflake
  2. Dance
  3. Breathe
  4. Flame
  5. Fox

If you enjoyed this writing prompt and feel like sharing what you wrote, post it in the comments! I love seeing everyone’s different ideas. Also, of all the different types of writing games I post, which is your favourite?

Writing Prompt #24

Today I made pumpkin pie. It was a journey. First, I accidentally broke open the bag while I was thawing the frozen pumpkin puree. Then I didn’t have any ground cloves. And then I burnt it.

It was still an incredibly tasty pie.

Life can be messy, but remember that no matter how burnt your pumpkin pie is, you still made one. And that’s something.

I hope you enjoyed your weekly lame motivational message. Let’s write!

Name of the game: Snap Shot

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Writing Prompt #23

Is this a last minute writing prompt? Yes. But what’s wrong with last minute? As a society, we place so much value in productivity. Any activity that doesn’t contribute to productivity is thought of as time wasting.

These ideas are so pervasive I’m sure we’ve all felt guilt over spending an hour watching youtube, sleeping in late one morning, or checking Twitter. The idea seems to be that these activities are all fine, but only as long as you’re productive enough.

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Writing Prompt #22

I wasn’t planning to do a writing prompt for another few weeks, but I’ve found it very difficult to work over the last few days. If you’re coming from the future or another dimension and need an update: covid cases in the UK just jumped back to May’s numbers (bad), I’m pretty sure politics just had diarrhoea (very bad), and I had an argument with a friend about human rights (very very… sad). I’m sure we’ve all been there; it’s really hard when you take a state of mind for granted and someone you care about doesn’t share it. It feels a little bit like I’m at the eye of a hurricane, stuck inside at my laptop only able to stare helplessly at the chaos around me.

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Writing Prompt #21 — The Lost Prompt!

I found this prompt recently, and I could have sworn I had already posted it. Apparently not. I did this with three other people, but I’ve been unable to track down their writing for it. I don’t even remember when we did the prompt. Last autumn maybe?

Regardless, I do remember it being a lot of fun, so here it is: the lost prompt.

Snap Shot

The rules: Stare at the picture. What does it make you think of? What story is it telling? Okay–thought of something? Good. Now set a timer to 10 minutes and start writing that story. Ready, set, go!

The image:

Writing Prompt #21 -- the lost prompt! https://sonorahillsauthor.com/

Here’s what I wrote. If you want to share what you’ve written, I’d love to see it! You can post it in the comments below if you like.

Happy writing!

Writing Prompt #20

When I let the dog out this morning, the air had the audacity to be cold despite the sunshine. After a summer devoid of writing prompts (sorry about that), I figure it’s time to start again. Autumn may traditionally be the season of endings–bye, bye leaves–but for me it’s always felt like a beginning. I pull myself out of summer’s lazy rut and begin again. It’s a chance for reform.

What better way to reform than to start writing again?

Today’s writing game: Snap Shot Continue reading

Writing Prompt #19

It’s nearly Easter break! If you can believe it with how cold the past few days have been–apparently snowstorms are predicted for England…

April snowstorms bring May’s reform?

Whatever is going to happen, I’m looking forward to having a break and getting some more writing done!

Today’s writing game: Snap Shot

The rules: Stare at the picture. What does it make you think of? What story is it telling? Okay–thought of something? Good. Now set a timer to 10 minutes and start writing that story. Ready, set, go!

The image:

Writing Prompt #19 - Write a 10 minute piece inspired by this photo to practice your writing! https://sonorahillsauthor.com/

How did you find that? Here’s what I wrote–I really enjoyed the abstract interpretation that ensued! My boyfriend joined in and wrote this poetic piece.

Feel free to share your interpretation of this prompt in the comments below or anywhere you like!

Happy writing!

Writing Prompt #18

Whilst I’m still in the middle of the healing process, my typing skills with a heavily bandaged finger have improved! Today’s prompt is a brand new twist on Fire Starter, as suggested by my little sister.

Name of the game: Extreme Fire Starter or Double Fire Starter (thoughts?)

The rules: Read the two sentences. Your piece must start with one sentence and end with the other–the order is for you to choose. Try and do it in 10 minutes by setting a timer and just going for it.

First sentence/last sentence:

  1. Celestial lights have come to earth…

  2. He crumbled at the sight of it…

After you’ve written something, you can read what I came up with here. I changed a few words because my brain can’t leave the stories alone, as much as I try not to edit these prompts…

I was joined by my sister and some friends. My sister is keeping hers to possibly submit somewhere! However, here and here are the two stories my friends wrote. The second story was dictated to a phone and unedited–I think it works really well with almost no punctuation!

If you feel like sharing, post your story in the comments! I always love reading them!

Happy writing!

Writing Prompt #17

My finger itches. Yes, I can be a real whiner, but I have a reason.

I’ve spent this week mostly sleeping and eating, which has admittedly been very nice. Unfortunately, typing is exhausting right now so I won’t be joining in on this writing prompt, but it’s a fun one!

Name of the game: Spelling Bee

The Rules: Write down the list of words at the top of your page (notebook, laptop, typewriter–whatever you prefer). You have ten minutes–set a timer–to write whatever comes to mind, using all the words in the list, in whatever order you like, crossing them off as you go. But they ALL have to be in there. Minor alterations are okay, like jump to jumped, but stay reasonable. Are you ready? Go!

The List:

Delicate, Dog, Give, Sailor, Franchise

If you enjoyed this writing prompt and feel like sharing what you wrote, post it in the comments! I love seeing what people come up with.

Have fun!